The benefit of being a lifelong learner is that you find lessons where others see setbacks. Over the past 18 months, I’ve been actively involved in events for entrepreneurs, founders, and startups. Many of these events focused heavily on technology. While Lemik Leasing Limited prides itself on being tech-enabled, our unique offering of hardware (physical asset) often stood out. At some events, potential investors would bluntly tell me that they prefer asset-light companies. However, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. By paying close attention at these events, I realized that in 7 out of 10 conversations, there was a potential opportunity for hardware investment. Even fully tech-driven companies need superior IT assets to drive their operations, and sometimes a significant portion of their funding needs is for these capital investments. As 2024 comes to a close, my belief in Lemik Leasing Limited’s mission, and our contribution through the Leasing Association of Kenya, is stronger than ever. Productivity often requires capital expenditure, and with all the technological innovations, infrastructure must be developed, necessitating physical asset investment. Africa’s goals of self-reliance, economic empowerment, and job creation cannot be achieved without boosting production. Now more than ever, leasing presents a compelling case for asset acquisition. We’ve mastered trading with our imports and exports; it’s time to perfect production and leverage our technical skills, thanks to TVETs and knowledge transfer from the diaspora. With Africa having less than 1% penetration in the global leasing market, imagine driving at least 5% penetration of leased assets which drive productive activities. The future for leasing is bright and the future for Africa is even brighter. Remember, it’s not the ownership of an asset that generates revenue, but its usage. #Equipmentleasing #Productivity #Africaisrising #Infrastructure #Hardware
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Lemik Leasing Limited
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